What organics can do for you~
Organic foods are generally a little more expensive than mainstream fruits and vegetables. However, the hidden cost of non-organic foods can be much greater. Buying organic will help you to avoid GMO foods, hydrogenation, and synthetic poisoning. Avoiding these foods will keep you healthier in the long run. Most of us do not know the hidden dangers of these practices because we trust the FDA to ensure that our foods are safe and non-toxic. However, we can no longer rely on government agencies to protect us.
The FDA has deemed GMO foods to be safe for public consumption despite a warning by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) asking the public to avoid all genetically modified foods until they are proven safe in long-term, independent studies. AAEM has pushed for a law which would require special labeling for all foods containing GMOs, but their efforts have been strongly opposed by the FDA along with support from Big Biotech (see
http://www.forbes.com/2001/08/22/0822sf.html ) whoc claim that consumers do not have the right to know the source of their foods. AAEM alleges that GMO foods create "serious adverse health effects" including "rapid aging, severe alterations to the majo0r bodily organs, infertility, immune problems, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and disruption to proper insulin regultion" as well as other health issues. Medical experts fear that children are the most susceptible to har.
Some results from GMO testing on animals include:f
-Female rats fed GMO foods saw most of their babies die within three weeks of birth, and those that survived had a difficult time conceiving later on
-Male rats in the study developed abnormal testicles, altered sperm, and DNA changes
-Birthing complications developed in Indian buffalo that were fed GMO feed; infertility, spontaneous abortions, premature delivery, and prolapsed uteruses were among the problems. Many of the calves that surviced gestation died shortly after birth
-24 US pig farmers reported that their pigs became sterile after being fed GMO corn
-Shepherds witnessed thousands of sheep die after being fed GMO cotton; postmortem tests found irritation and discoloration to the intestines and liver and enlarged bile ducts in these sheep
-Bt corn has been blamed for the deaths of cows, horses, water buffalo, and chickens in Germany and the Philippines
-GM tomatoes cause bleeding stomachs and eventual death in rats
The reason that genetically modified plants are so harmful to living beings is the very fact that they are engineered to become their own pesticide. The Bt levels produced in a GMO food is thousands of times more concentrated than that of Bt spray. Therefore, the effects are "greatly amplified" and can continue to live and reproduce in the body, particularly in the intestinal flora, long after being consumed. This can cause intense allergic and immune reactions and death. The implications of an infected intestinal flora are "mind boggling" and a cause for societal concern. For more information see Natural News.Com, Genetically Modified Organisms are Unfit for Consumption.
Hydrogenation practices also create cause for concern. The New England Journal of Medicine reported that trans unsaturated fatty acids had "uniquely adverse effects on blood lipid levels" and was "associated with an increase rist of coronary heart disease." Foods that typically contain these fats are margarine, baked goods, fried fast foods, and other prepared foods. Many scientists are lobbying for labeling requirements to include am0unts of trans fatty acids in a food, and for a switch in the food industry from hydrogenated oils to unhydrogenation oils. It is believed that "such a change would reduce the risk of coronary heart disease at a moderate cost, without requiring major efforts focused on education and behavioral modification." However, until the food industry makes these changes, it is important as consumers to educate ourselves, do some research, and make wise choices. (New England Journal of Medicine, June 24, 1999 Vol.340, No. 25)
Lastly, consumers must watch for synthetic ingredients in their bath and body products and vitamins. Such ingredients are often allergenic, toxic, and carcinogenic. They include fragrances, mineral oil, parabens, propylene glycol, and sodium laureth/lauryl sulfates; they can also be found in products labeled "natural." Check out NaturalLifestyles.com "The Dangers of Synthetic Ingredients in Skin and Body Care Products" for a list of ingredients and more information.
It is clear that as consumers we must be aware of the source and safety of our foods. As a citizen of Washington County I am fortunate to live in a part of our country where the freshest, cleanest, healthiest foods are readily available! Washington County is overflowing with CSAs, Farmer's Markets, and natural food stores and co-ops. I have both summer and winter sources for fresh, local, chemical-free fruits and vegetables as well as year round access to organically grown, all natural groceries. As a consumer in the upstate New York region, I have the power to change the world by supporting my local agriculture, reducing my carbon footprint, and squashing the need for pesticides and synthetic materials.
And so do you!