First, fill a box of your choice with something fun. Mine contains fancy dresses! Make sure that you put everything in that you want to send...once we're done decorating the box, there's no going back!
Tape the box tightly closed. Cover the top with mod podge.
Place a whole sheet of tissue paper on top of the box, centering the paper so that it drapes evenly over the sides and ends of the box.
Turn the whole thing over so that you may work with the uncovered bottom. Cut the paper so that you may draw it up over the ends of the box. Spread mod podge on the box where you will be placing the tissue paper. Press the paper in place and dab on mod podge as needed to hole the tissue in place. Do not be afraid to get the mod podge on the outside of the paper as it will dry clear and smooth.
Now trim the extra tissue away and glue in place to cover the bottom of the box. Draw the sides of the tissue up into place, being sure to glue down all edges and corners securely. Use extra tissue if necessary to cover all of the box. Multiple layers and different colors work well, too.
Once the box is covered, choose a label. I used the front of a notecard that I liked. Since it is going to my two nieces, the two teddies having a tea party was fitting. I covered my picture with mod podge to make it secure and waterproof.
Use a plain 3x5 card to write the address. Secure in place and send!
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